Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Tree Friends

Like cartoons? Like cute and cuddly forest animals? Like violence?

Man, have I got a recommendation for you in that genre! A couple of days ago Everett a.k.a "Muffin" bought a DVD set of this little known cartoon and during some downtime at the end of the day we decided to watch it. Holy crap, it was one of the most violent cartoons I have ever seen. Ever. It was horrifying and yet it was funny. I mean, really, squirrels, bunnies, and beavers getting decapitated and impaled on branches? Definately not everyone's cup of tea but if you're into animated stuff it's worth a check.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Speaking of violence, did you see Rome last night? I was gagging ... too much bloodshed for me.