Monday, May 30, 2005

The Arrival of Summer

You know, I would generally be happy that summer is around the corner and the nice weather is to be our companion for the next little while but all I can really think about is the fact that all my favorite shows have gone on hiatus.
Suddenly, my social life or, to be more precise, lack-there-of, comes into the spotlight. Where did my life go? Why don't I like people anymore? Why is my Kiwi the only living thing I can deal with for longer than two hours? These are questions that I face every spring when TV ends and I come out of my winter hibernation. No doubt life will pick up, it always does and usually at the most inopportune moments, like when Carnivale or Deadwood starts up again and I then have importance choices to make. Will TV and my solitary existence win over friends and drinks on sunny terraces? I guess time will only tell so stay tuned, there might be a cliffhanger involved.

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