Friday, February 03, 2006

Guy Candy: Ruckin' Sweet!

To usher in the brand spankin' new Super 14 2006 season I have decided to showcase some players.

1. Neil Powell, 29 yrs old.
Plays for the Bulls in Pretoria, SA

2. Tamati Ellison, 23 yrs old. (Yes Steffo, he's older than 20!)
Plays for the Hurricanes in Wellington, NZ

3. Peter Grant, 22 yrs old.
Plays for The Stormers in Cape Town


Unknown said...

That's a toughie, and in part because of his age, I will have to choose Bachelor #1.

Angry Gnome said...

I like Numba 2. And Numba 3 too, he's hot in a wholesome white way.

Angry Gnome said...

Sheen, I is happy you can finally comment on posts. Here you are appreciated.