Monday, February 13, 2006

Black Toosday

Hey peeps, my dear friend over at Nefertitia's Loft has dubbed tomorrow "Black Tuesday" and I have taken a liking to the term to describe Valentine's Day so I am going to steal it for this post. Indeed, for those of us who are currently inhabiting the singledom world, the day isn't looked upon with glee as it tends to remind us of the fact that we are single. And alone. And living with cats... Oh God, oh God, oh God... Where are you Mr. Soulmate?
Despite the claims that relationships are "great" and "life-affirming" I sometimes wonder if indeed the grass is greener on the other side, you know what I mean?


Unknown said...

Black Tuesday it is. I've posted for today and am wearing black from head to toe, inside and out. Excuse me while I go crawl under my desk and hide from all the people wearing pink and red and smiling like idiots.

Angry Gnome said...

They gave me chocolate here so I can't complain. Oh wait, I can.

Angry Gnome said...

Right back atcha, Muddy.