Tuesday, June 14, 2005


What up everyone? I know it's been awhile since my last post but I can't help it - it's been too damn hot to write interesting and witty posts. I AM NOT A ROBOT - I tend to wither once the heat and humidity set it. ( I like to think of myself as a delicate flower, albeit an angry one).
Anyhoo, a couple interesting things have happened since I last gave your guys a shout out, one, my Kiwi had the operation, which took her from kitten to woman. Or something to that effect.
Also, I have had the opportunity to work with my high school friend at my old law firm and let me tell you it sucks... a lot. Heh, just kidding Sooz! I told you I would say something in my blog about you. Remember, I knew you before you were Suzanna! Hey, by the way, how was the funeral?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, I just remembered to tell people that I have discovered a new show on television and I find it quite entertaining for the long hot summer nights. It's crack-a-lackin'. Apparently others find it bitchin' too because Television Without Pity gives it the thumbs up and that's not always the easiest thing.
Oh yeah, it's called Veronica Mars and they are playing all the eps this summer on CTV on Thursdays and when the new season starts up it usually plays on UPN for those of you who are like me and have a satellite dish with US networks.

Stay cool. No, seriously, it's hot out there - you could get heat stroke or sumthin'.

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